Helping your family and estate with financial stability in the event of your death is important. Don’t wait, talk with us about types of life insurance today. Continue, below, to learn about what we offer.


At HH Insurance, our agents understand this can mean something as simple as term life coverage or a more comprehensive financial planning program. A consultation with your agent can help you identify needs, determine coverage amounts and choose the appropriate financial vehicles.

On the personal side, options include term life, whole life, universal life, retirement plans, coverage for long-term care and disability income protection. If you own or operate a business, our agents can also help you tailor continuity plans, create coverage for key personnel and more.

When developed with an agent who listens to the insurance needs for yourself,  your family and business assets, these types of life insurance options and financial planning tools add greater financial protection for you, your heirs and your business.

Life Insurance Policies for You and Your Family

Are you looking for a great life insurance policy for yourself? Do you want to help your family financially? Here is what you should know about what we cover:

  • Term whole or universal life insurance
  • Quality retirement plans
  • Disability income protection
  • Long-term care insurance

Life Insurance Options for Your Business Needs

We have a combined 200+ years of experience in this industry, we’d be happy to have you part of our growing family.

Talk with our agents and explore the options for life insurance policies offered in SW Florida, including:

  • Continuity plans
  • Key person coverage
  • Business life insurance
  • Executive compensation
  • Personal Term Life Insurance